UpROOT.jl is a Julia wrapper around the Python uproot package.

uproot makes it possible to read and write CERN ROOT files via pure Python (with certain limitations), without requiring a ROOT installation.


UpROOT.jl requires the Python uproot package. If PyCall.jl is configured to use Conda.jl for package management (default on OS-X and Windows systems), uproot should be installed automatically when UpROOT.jl is loaded for the first time. Otherwise, please install uproot manually before using UpROOT.jl.


UpROOT.jl exposes TFiles and TDirectories with a Dict-like API, TTrees and TBrances as exposed as out-of-core AbstractVectors that also support the Tables interface (with column-access). Opening a ROOT file and reading the contents is straightforward:

using UpROOT, Tables, TypedTables, ArraysOfArrays

file = TFile(UpROOT.testfiles["HZZ"])

tree = file["events"]
Tables.istable(tree) == true

tree[1] isa NamedTuple
tree[1:5] isa TypedTables.Table

tree.Jet_E isa AbstractVector
tree.Jet_E[1:5] isa VectorOfVectors

In addition to the standard Python/Julia type conversions provided by PyCall.jl, UpROOT.jl maps some special Python types used by uproot (e.g. types from the awkward-array package) to Julia equivalents like VectorOfVectorss and Tables.


Quite a bit of functionality of the Python uproot package (like writing files and caching of data) is not implemented/wrapped by UpROOT.jl yet. For now, please use the function UpROOT.pyobj to get the Python object wrapped by any UpROOT.jl type and access the unwrapped features directly via PyCall.jl. The python imports/modules uproot and awkward are available as UpROOT.uproot and UpROOT.awkward.