TestEM3 Example

using Geant4
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits
using FHist, Printf, Plots
#---Define Detector Parameters struct--------------------------------------------------------------
include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "DetectorTestEm3.jl"))
#---Define Simulation Data struct------------------------------------------------------------------
# In this example we share the same data structiure for all worker threads, so we need to protect 
# with a lock
mutable struct TestEm3SimData <: G4JLSimulationData
    #---Run data-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    fEnergyDeposit::Vector{Float64}     # Energy deposit per event
    fTrackLengthCh::Vector{Float64}     # Track length per event


    TestEm3SimData() = new()
#---add function-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function add!(x::TestEm3SimData, y::TestEm3SimData)
    x.fChargedStep += y.fChargedStep
    x.fNeutralStep += y.fNeutralStep
    x.fN_gamma += y.fN_gamma
    x.fN_elec += y.fN_elec
    x.fN_pos += y.fN_pos
    x.fEdepEventHistos += y.fEdepEventHistos
    x.fTrackLengthChHistos += y.fTrackLengthChHistos
    x.fEdepHistos += y.fEdepHistos
add! (generic function with 1 method)
#---Plot the Sumulation data-----------------------------------------------------------------------
function do_plot(data::TestEm3SimData)
    (;fEdepHistos, fEdepEventHistos, fTrackLengthChHistos, fAbsorLabel) = data
    lay = @layout [°; ° °]
    p = plot(layout=lay, show=true, size=(1000,800))
    for (h, l) in zip(fEdepHistos, fAbsorLabel)
        plot!(subplot=1, h, title="Energy Deposition", xlabel="layer #", label=l, show=true)
    for (h, l) in zip(fEdepEventHistos, fAbsorLabel)
        plot!(subplot=2, h, title="Energy/event Distribution", label=l, xlabel="MeV")
    for (h, l) in zip(fTrackLengthChHistos, fAbsorLabel)
        plot!(subplot=3, h, title="Track Lengh Distribution", label=l, xlabel="mm")
    display("image/png", p)
do_plot (generic function with 1 method)
#---Particle Gun initialization--------------------------------------------------------------------
particlegun = G4JLGunGenerator(particle = "e-", 
                               energy = 1GeV, 
                               direction = G4ThreeVector(1,0,0), 
                               position = G4ThreeVector(0,0,0))  # temporary potition, will update once the detector is constructed
G4JLGunGenerator("ParticleGun", Geant4.G4JLParticleGunData(nothing, "e-", G4ThreeVector(1.0,0.0,0.0), G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0,0.0), 1000.0), Geant4.var"#init#19"(), Geant4.var"#gen#20"(), G4JLGeneratorAction[])
#---Step action------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function stepaction(step::G4Step, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    data = getSIMdata(app)
    detector = app.detector
    prepoint = GetPreStepPoint(step)
    endPoint = GetPostStepPoint(step)
    track = GetTrack(step)
    # Return if step in not in the world volume
    prepoint |> GetPhysicalVolume |> GetLogicalVolume |> GetMaterial == detector.fWorldMaterial && return nothing
    particle = GetDefinition(track)
    charge  = GetPDGCharge(particle)
    stepl = 0.
    if charge != 0.
        stepl = GetStepLength(step)
        data.fChargedStep += 1
        data.fNeutralStep += 1
    edep = GetTotalEnergyDeposit(step) * GetWeight(track)
    absorNum  = GetCopyNumber(GetTouchable(prepoint), 0)
    layerNum  = GetCopyNumber(GetTouchable(prepoint), 1) + 1  # replicas copynumber starts at 0

    data.fEnergyDeposit[absorNum] += edep
    data.fTrackLengthCh[absorNum] += stepl 	

    push!(data.fEdepHistos[absorNum], layerNum, edep)

#---Tracking pre-action----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let G4Gamma, G4Electron, G4Positron, first=true
global function pretrackaction(track::G4Track, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    if first
        G4Gamma    = FindParticle("gamma")
        G4Electron = FindParticle("e-")
        G4Positron = FindParticle("e+")
        first = false
    data = getSIMdata(app)
    d = GetDefinition(track)
    if d === G4Gamma 
        data.fN_gamma += 1
    elseif d === G4Electron
        data.fN_elec +=1
    elseif d === G4Positron
        data.fN_pos += 1
#---Tracking post-action---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function posttrackaction(track::G4Track, ::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
#---Begin Run Action-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function beginrun(run::G4Run, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    data = getSIMdata(app)
    (; fNbOfAbsor, fNbOfLayers, fAbsorMaterial, fAbsorThickness) = app.detector
    gun = app.generator.data.gun
    data.fParticle = GetParticleDefinition(gun)
    data.fEkin = GetParticleEnergy(gun)
    data.fN_gamma = data.fN_elec = data.fN_pos = 0
    data.fChargedStep = data.fNeutralStep = 0
    # init arrays
    data.fEnergyDeposit = zeros(fNbOfAbsor)
    data.fTrackLengthCh = zeros(fNbOfAbsor)
    data.fEdepHistos = [Hist1D(;counttype=Float64,binedges=0.:1.0:fNbOfLayers) for i in 1:fNbOfAbsor]
    data.fEdepEventHistos = [Hist1D(;binedges=0:10:1000) for i in 1:fNbOfAbsor]
    data.fTrackLengthChHistos = [Hist1D(;binedges=0:20:2000) for i in 1:fNbOfAbsor]
    data.fAbsorLabel = ["$(fAbsorThickness[i])mm of $(fAbsorMaterial[i] |> GetName |> String)" for i in 1:fNbOfAbsor]
#---End Run Action---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function endrun(run::G4Run, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    #---end run action is called for each workwer thread and the master onc
    if G4Threading!G4GetThreadId() < 0   
        data = app.simdata[1]
        #---This is the master thread, so we need to add all the simuation results-----------------
        for d in app.simdata[2:end]
            add!(data, d)
        nEvt = GetNumberOfEvent(run)
        norm = nEvt > 0 ? 1/nEvt : 1.

        @printf "------------------------------------------------------------\n"
        @printf " Beam particle %s E = %.2f GeV\n" String(GetParticleName(data.fParticle)) data.fEkin/GeV 
        @printf " Mean number of gamma          %.2f\n" data.fN_gamma*norm 
        @printf " Mean number of e-             %.2f\n" data.fN_elec*norm 
        @printf " Mean number of e+             %.2f\n" data.fN_pos*norm 
        @printf " Mean number of charged steps  %f\n"   data.fChargedStep*norm 
        @printf " Mean number of neutral steps  %f\n"   data.fNeutralStep*norm 
        @printf "------------------------------------------------------------\n"
        G4JL_println("end-run  for worker $(G4Threading!G4GetThreadId())") 
#---Begin Event Action-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function beginevent(evt::G4Event, app::G4JLApplication)
    data = getSIMdata(app)
    fill!(data.fEnergyDeposit, 0.0)
    fill!(data.fTrackLengthCh, 0.0)
#---End Event Action-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function endevent(evt::G4Event, app::G4JLApplication)
    data = getSIMdata(app)
    (; fNbOfAbsor, fNbOfLayers) = app.detector
    for i in 1:fNbOfAbsor
        push!(data.fEdepEventHistos[i], data.fEnergyDeposit[i])
        push!(data.fTrackLengthChHistos[i], data.fTrackLengthCh[i])
endevent (generic function with 1 method)
#---Create the Application-------------------------------------------------------------------------
app = G4JLApplication(detector = TestEm3Detector(),               # detector with parameters
                      simdata = TestEm3SimData(),                 # simulation data structure
                      generator = particlegun,                    # primary particle generator
                      nthreads = 8,                               # number of threads (MT)
                      physics_type = FTFP_BERT,                   # what physics list to instantiate
                      stepaction_method = stepaction,             # step action method
                      pretrackaction_method = pretrackaction,     # pre-tracking action
                      posttrackaction_method = posttrackaction,   # post-tracking action
                      beginrunaction_method = beginrun,           # begin-run action (initialize counters and histograms)
                      endrunaction_method = endrun,               # end-run action (print summary)               
                      begineventaction_method = beginevent,       # begin-event action (initialize per-event data)
                      endeventaction_method = endevent            # end-event action (fill histogram per event data)

#ui"/tracking/verbose 1"
 Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02-patch-01 [MT]   (16-February-2024)
  << in Multi-threaded mode >> 
                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
                                 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
                             WWW : http://geant4.org/
#---Configure, Initialize and Run------------------------------------------------------------------                      
SetParticlePosition(particlegun, G4ThreeVector(-app.detector.fWorldSizeX/2,0,0))  # Only now is known the size of the 'world'
Building Geometry now!!!

### G4LevelReader: broken transition 0 from level 24 to 24 for isotope Z= 89 A= 219 - use ground level

Start the initial run

beamOn(app, 1000)
G4WT0 > end-run  for worker 0
G4WT4 > end-run  for worker 4
G4WT6 > end-run  for worker 6
G4WT2 > end-run  for worker 2
G4WT7 > end-run  for worker 7
G4WT1 > end-run  for worker 1
G4WT3 > end-run  for worker 3
G4WT5 > end-run  for worker 5
 Beam particle e- E = 1.00 GeV

 Mean number of gamma          520.61
 Mean number of e-             894.80
 Mean number of e+             53.32
 Mean number of charged steps  3727.175000
 Mean number of neutral steps  3724.099000


Change the particle gun energy

SetParticleEnergy(particlegun, 100MeV)
beamOn(app, 100)
G4WT7 > end-run  for worker 7
G4WT4 > end-run  for worker 4
G4WT6 > end-run  for worker 6
G4WT5 > end-run  for worker 5
G4WT3 > end-run  for worker 3
G4WT2 > end-run  for worker 2
G4WT0 > end-run  for worker 0
G4WT1 > end-run  for worker 1
 Beam particle e- E = 0.10 GeV
 Mean number of gamma          51.22
 Mean number of e-             89.88
 Mean number of e+             4.77
 Mean number of charged steps  369.980000
 Mean number of neutral steps  374.400000


Change the geometry and re-start the run

reinitialize(app, TestEm3Detector(absorThickness = [2.3mm, 5.7mm, 1mm],
                                  absorMaterial = ["G4_Pb", "G4_lAr", "G4_Al"]))
beamOn(app, 100)
Building Geometry now!!!
G4WT0 > end-run  for worker 0
G4WT7 > end-run  for worker 7
G4WT2 > end-run  for worker 2
G4WT5 > end-run  for worker 5
G4WT3 > end-run  for worker 3
G4WT4 > end-run  for worker 4
G4WT6 > end-run  for worker 6
G4WT1 > end-run  for worker 1
 Beam particle e- E = 0.10 GeV
 Mean number of gamma          48.94
 Mean number of e-             86.95
 Mean number of e+             4.43
 Mean number of charged steps  406.210000
 Mean number of neutral steps  461.200000


@time beamOn(app, 10000)
G4WT5 > end-run  for worker 5
G4WT3 > end-run  for worker 3
G4WT0 > end-run  for worker 0
G4WT7 > end-run  for worker 7
G4WT1 > end-run  for worker 1
G4WT4 > end-run  for worker 4
G4WT2 > end-run  for worker 2
G4WT6 > end-run  for worker 6
 Beam particle e- E = 0.10 GeV
 Mean number of gamma          49.38
 Mean number of e-             87.43
 Mean number of e+             4.65
 Mean number of charged steps  396.380500
 Mean number of neutral steps  468.174500
  6.244569 seconds (20.24 M allocations: 309.367 MiB)

Change the definition of the action and re-start

function posttrackaction(track::G4Track, ::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    G4JL_println("Track ID: $(GetTrackID(track)) ended")
beamOn(app, 3)
G4WT4 > end-run  for worker 4
G4WT7 > end-run  for worker 7
G4WT1 > end-run  for worker 1
G4WT6 > end-run  for worker 6
G4WT5 > end-run  for worker 5
G4WT2 > Track ID: 1 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 1 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 7 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 1 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 8 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 6 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 5 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 9 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 18 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 21 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 16 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 4 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 20 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 10 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 3 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 19 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 18 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 17 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 16 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 21 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 22 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 23 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 23 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 22 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 20 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 24 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 19 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 15 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 24 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 12 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 14 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 33 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 25 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 34 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 32 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 35 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 31 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 36 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 30 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 17 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 37 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 29 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 13 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 38 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 28 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 28 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 27 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 40 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 26 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 26 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 12 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 39 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 28 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 42 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 41 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 29 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 27 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 27 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 43 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 11 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 30 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 25 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 30 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 26 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 29 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 45 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 44 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 25 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 46 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 24 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 47 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 15 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 10 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 23 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 14 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 52 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 51 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 31 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 50 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 49 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 13 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 48 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 32 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 22 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 53 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 32 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 12 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 37 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 34 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 21 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 38 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 33 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 36 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 40 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 39 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 11 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 35 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 37 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 41 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 36 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 55 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 63 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 64 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 62 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 66 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 34 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 65 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 45 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 44 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 35 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 43 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 61 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 40 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 41 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 67 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 70 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 39 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 69 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 42 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 42 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 68 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 38 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 71 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 72 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 43 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 60 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 33 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 74 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 46 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 10 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 73 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 59 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 45 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 75 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 44 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 58 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 9 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 76 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 57 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 46 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 78 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 77 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 8 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 56 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 7 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 31 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 52 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 54 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 53 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 54 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 84 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 85 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 83 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 87 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 86 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 88 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 89 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 82 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 90 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 81 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 91 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 80 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 92 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 48 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 79 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 95 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 59 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 94 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 93 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 20 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 96 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 51 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 60 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 19 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 98 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 56 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 58 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 55 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 62 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 57 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 61 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 57 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 64 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 63 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 56 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 65 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 55 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 67 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 97 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 99 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 100 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 18 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 101 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 66 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 54 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 69 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 68 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 53 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 71 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 70 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 50 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 52 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 49 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 74 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 73 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 72 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 51 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 76 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 75 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 17 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 16 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 59 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 50 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 15 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 102 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 80 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 79 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 14 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 78 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 106 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 61 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 77 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 63 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 62 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 105 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 104 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 103 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 13 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 108 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 107 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 60 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 64 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 49 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 58 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 84 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 83 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 82 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 11 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 113 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 81 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 114 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 112 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 115 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 111 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 117 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 48 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 119 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 120 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 47 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 118 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 122 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 66 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 121 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 116 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 65 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 110 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 124 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 9 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 123 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 109 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 125 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 2 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 127 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 129 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 130 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 47 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 128 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 132 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 86 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 68 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 131 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 67 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 87 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 126 ended
G4WT2 > Track ID: 133 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 8 ended
G4WT2 > end-run  for worker 2
G4WT0 > Track ID: 7 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 85 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 69 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 91 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 90 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 6 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 89 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 88 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 95 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 71 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 96 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 94 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 76 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 97 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 77 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 93 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 75 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 98 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 78 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 92 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 99 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 74 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 79 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 73 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 80 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 6 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 81 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 82 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 101 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 100 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 72 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 5 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 103 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 70 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 86 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 88 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 87 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 102 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 104 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 85 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 90 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 106 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 105 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 4 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 89 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 84 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 83 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 91 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 5 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 108 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 92 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 4 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 107 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 93 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 110 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 113 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 3 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 112 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 111 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 109 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 114 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 3 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 115 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 95 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 2 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 118 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 100 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 103 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 102 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 101 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 99 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 117 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 104 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 98 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 106 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 105 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 97 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 107 ended
G4WT3 > Track ID: 116 ended
G4WT3 > end-run  for worker 3
G4WT0 > Track ID: 96 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 110 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 109 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 108 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 94 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 111 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 112 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 2 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 115 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 114 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 113 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 117 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 118 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 116 ended
G4WT0 > Track ID: 119 ended
G4WT0 > end-run  for worker 0
 Beam particle e- E = 0.10 GeV

 Mean number of gamma          44.00
 Mean number of e-             76.00
 Mean number of e+             3.33
 Mean number of charged steps  422.666667
 Mean number of neutral steps  322.666667