Release Notes


  • New Features
    • Added wrapper for G4StepLimiterPhysics


  • Fixes:
    • Returned threadid is -2 for non-multithreaded builds of Geant4


  • New Features:
    • Added function getfield(pos::G4ThreeVector, bfield::G4JLMagneticField)
    • Added G4JLEmptyDetector as default detector (for testing and tutorials)
    • build some protection to re-use physics lists in case re-creating an G4JLApplication


  • New Features:
    • Added wrappers for PhysicsLists classes: G4DecayPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics, G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics
    • Implemented user stacking action
    • Added examples basic/B3a


  • Moved the examples to new repository
  • Fixes:
    • Veto CLHEP::HepRandomEngine::get to avoid clash with Base.get
    • Disable finalizer for class G4JLStateDependent. Fixes event display.


  • Migrated to Julia 1.10
  • Using the latest version of WrapIt to generate the CxxWrap wrappers
  • New features
    • Added G4JLGeneralParticleSource, which makes use of the Geant4 G4GeneralParticleSource class for generation of primary particles for simulations. See documentation.
    • Added a new extension module G4Hist that defines convenient histogram types (H1D and H2D) on top of FHist.jl. See documentation.


  • New features
    • Provide an EventDisplay as a building block of the application. New evtdisplay argument in the constructor.
    • Added new wrapped classes to support event displays: G4EventManager, G4TrajectoryContainer, G4VTrajectory, G4VTrajectoryPoint, G4StateManager, G4VStateDependent G4ApplicationState


  • Changes needed for running ATLTileCalTB example


  • New features:
    • Added all example scripts as tests, so that the CI will systematically execute them.
    • Added new wrapped classes: G4LogicalVolumeStore, G4MaterialPropertiesTable, G4OpticalParameters, G4OpticalSurface, G4LogicalBorderSurface, G4LogicalSkinSurface, G4VProcess, G4ProcessType, G4Random, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4OpticalPhysics, G4OpBoundaryProcess, G4ProcessManager, G4ProcessVector
    • Added Geant4.PhysicalConstants sub-module
    • Added testRandom to the test suite
    • Added Scintillation example with scintillating crystals and optical photons
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed broken [visualization] examples
    • Improve HBC30 example to visualize trajectories in a more smooth manner. Moved it under ext/G4Vis/examples


  • New features:
    • Support for ARM64 (MacOS M1). Implemented workaround for closures in @safe_cfunction, which were for supported in this platform.
    • Added support for magnetic field. Additional keyword argument in the G4JLApplication. Added example HBC30 for a simulation of a liquid hydrogen bubble chamber.
    • Added drawing capabilities for G4Polyhedra, G4EllipticalTube, G4Ellipsoid
  • Fixes:
    • Fix example WaterPhantom to added to new callback closures


  • New features:
    • Restructured G4Vis as an extension of Geant4.jl. It is automatically loaded when all the required weak dependencies are satisfied (e.g. "Makie", "Colors", "StaticArrays", "Rotations", "LinearAlgebra")
    • Added missing basic solids including the BooleanSolid
    • Using the IGLWrap_jll binary wrapper to libigl C++ library to draw boolean solids.
    • Added notebook ext/G4Vis/Solids.ipynb to exercise and draw all possible solids (some are still missing)


  • New features:
    • Support for Multi-threading. New parameter in G4JLApplication to set the number of threads. Default is serial, nthreads = 0
    • Added verbosity level with the argument verbose in G4JLApplication
  • Fixes:
    • Fix continuous pre-compilation after moving to Julia 1.9
    • Fix for embedded figures in notebooks


  • Added support for scoring with G4JLScoringMesh function
  • Added generation of documentation including running the jupyter notebooks