Basic/B1 Example
In this example is based on the Geant4 basic/B1 example of the Geant4 distribution. It is a simple example that shows how to interact with the Geant4 classes. The example uses the native interface emulating the C++ code.
You can also download this example as a Jupyter notebook and a plain Julia source file.
Table of contents
- Loading the necessary Julia modules
- Define the Detector Construction
- Define User Actions
- Instantiate RunManager and initialize
- Execute the commands to initialize the simulation
Loading the necessary Julia modules
Load the Geant4
and Geant4.SystemOfUnits
using Geant4
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits
Define the Detector Construction
Define the function that will construct the detector geometry. The setup consists of a an envelope of box shape containing two volumes: a spherical cone and a trapezoid.
In this example we use some common materials materials for medical applications. The envelope is made of water and the two inner volumes are made from tissue and bone materials. The materials are created with the help of the G4NistManager class, which allows to build a material from the NIST database using their names. All available materials can be found in the Geant4 User's Guide for Application Developers, Appendix 10: Geant4 Materials Database. detector construction class B1DetectorConstruction
that inherits from G4VUserDetectorConstruction
function constructB1Detector(::Nothing)::CxxPtr{G4VPhysicalVolume}
nist = G4NistManager!Instance()
# Envelope parameters
env_sizeXY = 20cm
env_sizeZ = 30cm
env_mat = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_WATER")
# Option to switch on/off checking of volumes overlaps
checkOverlaps = true
# World
world_sizeXY = 1.2*env_sizeXY
world_sizeZ = 1.2*env_sizeZ
world_mat = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_AIR")
solidworld = G4Box("World", 0.5 * world_sizeXY, 0.5 * world_sizeXY, 0.5 * world_sizeZ)
logicworld = G4LogicalVolume(solidworld, world_mat, "World")
physWorld = G4PVPlacement(nothing, ## no rotation
G4ThreeVector(), ## at (0,0,0)
logicworld, ## its logical volume
"World", ## its name
nothing, ## its mother volume
false, ## no boolean operation
0, ## copy number
checkOverlaps) ## overlaps checking
# Envelope
solidEnv = G4Box("Envelope", 0.5 * env_sizeXY, 0.5 * env_sizeXY, 0.5 * env_sizeZ)
logicEnv = G4LogicalVolume(solidEnv, env_mat, "Envelope")
G4PVPlacement(nothing, ## no rotation
G4ThreeVector(), ## at (0,0,0)
logicEnv, ## its logical volume
"Envelope", ## its name
logicworld, ## its mother volume
false, ## no boolean operation
0, ## copy number
checkOverlaps) ## overlaps checking
# shape 1
shape1_mat = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_A-150_TISSUE")
pos1 = G4ThreeVector(0, 2cm, -7cm)
# Conical section shape
shape1_rmina = 0cm; shape1_rmaxa = 2cm
shape1_rminb = 0cm; shape1_rmaxb = 4cm
shape1_hz = 3cm
shape1_phimin = 0deg; shape1_phimax = 360deg
solidShape1 = G4Cons("Shape1", shape1_rmina, shape1_rmaxa, shape1_rminb, shape1_rmaxb,
shape1_hz, shape1_phimin, shape1_phimax)
logicShape1 = G4LogicalVolume(solidShape1, shape1_mat, "Shape1")
G4PVPlacement(nothing, ## no rotation
pos1, ## at position
logicShape1, ## its logical volume
"Shape1", ## its name
logicEnv, ## its mother volume
false, ## no boolean operation
0, ## copy number
checkOverlaps)## overlaps checking
# Shape 2
shape2_mat = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_BONE_COMPACT_ICRU")
pos2 = G4ThreeVector(0, -1cm, 7cm)
# Trapezoid shape
shape2_dxa = 12cm; shape2_dxb = 12cm
shape2_dya = 10cm; shape2_dyb = 16cm
shape2_dz = 6cm
solidShape2 = G4Trd("Shape2", 0.5 * shape2_dxa, 0.5 * shape2_dxb, 0.5 * shape2_dya, 0.5 * shape2_dyb, 0.5 * shape2_dz)
logicShape2 = G4LogicalVolume(solidShape2, shape2_mat, "Shape2")
G4PVPlacement(nothing, ## no rotation
pos2, ## at position
logicShape2, ## its logical volume
"Shape2", ## its name
logicEnv, ## its mother volume
false, ## no boolean operation
0, ## copy number
checkOverlaps) ## overlaps checking
# Visualization attributes
SetVisAttributes(logicworld, G4VisAttributes!GetInvisible())
SetVisAttributes(logicEnv, G4VisAttributes!GetInvisible())
SetVisAttributes(logicShape1, G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)))
SetVisAttributes(logicShape2, G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
return physWorld ## return a pointer to the G4PhysicalVolume
constructB1Detector (generic function with 1 method)
crate an instance of the detector construction and physics list to be used in the simulation
detctor = G4JLDetectorConstruction(constructB1Detector)
physics = QBBC()
Geant4.QBBCAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x00000000024951a0)
Define User Actions
function buildApp(self::G4JLActionInitialization, ::Nothing)
# Create particle gun
particle_gun = G4JLParticleGun()
# Setup particle gun
pg = GetGun(particle_gun)
SetParticleByName(pg, "e-")
SetParticleEnergy(pg, 100MeV)
SetParticleMomentumDirection(pg, G4ThreeVector(0,0,1))
SetParticlePosition(pg, G4ThreeVector(0,0,-16cm))
# Register and relinquish ownership
SetUserAction(self, move!(particle_gun))
app = G4JLActionInitialization(buildApp)
Geant4.G4JLActionInitializationAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000002f93d80)
Instantiate RunManager and initialize
# Construct the default run manager and set initializers
runManager = G4RunManager()
# Register User initialization objects and relinquish ownership
SetUserInitialization(runManager, move!(detctor))
SetUserInitialization(runManager, move!(physics))
SetUserInitialization(runManager, move!(app))
# Get the pointer to the User Interface manager
UImanager = G4UImanager!GetUIpointer();
Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02-patch-01 [MT] (16-February-2024)
Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
: IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
: NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
Execute the commands to initialize the simulation
# Initialize kernel
ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/run/initialize")
# Change verbosity
#ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/control/verbose 2")
#ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/run/verbose 2")
#ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/event/verbose 0")
ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/tracking/verbose 1")
# gamma 6 MeV to the direction (0.,0.,1.)
ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/gun/particle gamma")
ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/gun/energy 6 MeV")
# go
ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/run/beamOn 1")
Change the energy and run again
ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/gun/particle e+")
ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/gun/energy 60 MeV")
ApplyCommand(UImanager, "/run/beamOn 1")
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