Basic/B2a Example

In this example is based on the Geant4 basic/B2 example of the Geant4 distribution. It is a simple example that shows how to interact with the Geant4 classes.

Note that

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Table of contents

Loading the necessary Julia modules

Load the Geant4 and Geant4.SystemOfUnits modules. We will also use the Printf and GeometryBasics modules to format the output and handle the geometry.ß

using Geant4
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits
using Printf, GeometryBasics

Define Detector Parameters structure

The B2aDetector structure is defined with the default detector parameters. We include the B2aDetector.jl file not to clutter the example.

include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "B2aDetector.jl"))

Define Tracker Hit

We will extract the hits from the tracker and store them in a TrackerHit structure that ius custom defined

struct TrackerHit

Providing a custom method to print the hits in a nice way

function, hit::TrackerHit)
  (;trackID, chamberNb, edep, pos) = hit
  @printf(io, "\ntrackID: %3d chamberNb: %2d Edep: %.3f MeV Position: (%3f, %3f, %3f)", trackID, chamberNb, edep/MeV, pos...)

Define Sensitive Detector

First we define the data structure that will hold the hits. In this case we will store the hits in a vector of TrackerHit structures.

struct B2aSDData <: G4JLSDData
  B2aSDData() = new([])

Then we define the methods that will be called by the Geant4 simulation _initialize (to initialize), _endOfEvent (at the end of the event) and _processHits (called when a hit is detected in that sensitive detector)

# Initialize method
function _initialize(::G4HCofThisEvent, data::B2aSDData)::Nothing
# End of event method
function _endOfEvent(::G4HCofThisEvent, data::B2aSDData)::Nothing
# Process Hit method
function _processHits(step::G4Step, ::G4TouchableHistory, data::B2aSDData)::Bool
  edep = step |> GetTotalEnergyDeposit
  edep <  0. && return false
  pos = step |> GetPostStepPoint |> GetPosition
  push!(data.trackerHits, TrackerHit(step |> GetTrack |> GetTrackID,
                                     step |> GetPreStepPoint |> GetTouchable |> GetCopyNumber,
  return true
_processHits (generic function with 1 method)

Finally, create the sensitive detector instance of the type G4JLSensitiveDetector with the name Chamber_SD and the associated data structure B2aSDData. The three previously defined methods are passed as arguments to the constructor.

chamber_SD = G4JLSensitiveDetector("Chamber_SD", B2aSDData();           ## SD name an associated data are mandatory
                                    processhits_method=_processHits,    ## process hist method (also mandatory)
                                    initialize_method=_initialize,      ## intialize method
                                    endofevent_method=_endOfEvent)      ## end of event method
Geant4.G4JLProtoSD{Main.var"##230".B2aSDData}("Chamber_SD", Main.var"##230".B2aSDData(Main.var"##230".TrackerHit[]), Main.var"##230"._processHits, Main.var"##230"._initialize, Main.var"##230"._endOfEvent)

Define End Event Action

This user function will be called at the end of each event. It will print the number of hits in the tracker for each event.

function endeventaction(evt::G4Event, app::G4JLApplication)
  hits = getSDdata(app, "Chamber_SD").trackerHits
  eventID = evt |> GetEventID
  if eventID < 10 || eventID % 1000 == 0
    G4JL_println("Event: $eventID with $(length(hits)) hits stored in this event")
endeventaction (generic function with 1 method)

Particle Gun initialization

particlegun = G4JLGunGenerator(particle = "proton",
                               energy = 3GeV,
                               direction = G4ThreeVector(0,0,1),
                               position = G4ThreeVector(0,0,-2940.0))
Geant4.G4JLGunGenerator("ParticleGun", Geant4.G4JLParticleGunData(nothing, "proton", G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0,1.0), G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0,-2940.0), 3000.0), Geant4.var"#init#19"(), Geant4.var"#gen#20"(), Geant4.G4JLGeneratorAction[])

Define Physics List

We define a new physics list that is based on the FTFP_BERT physics list and adds a G4StepLimiterPhysics to limit the step length of the particles.

struct B2PhysicsList <: G4VUserPhysicsList
  function B2PhysicsList(verbose)
      pl = FTFP_BERT(verbose)
      lp = G4StepLimiterPhysics()
      SetApplyToAll(lp, true)            ## Apply to all particles
      RegisterPhysics(pl, move!(lp))     ## Register to the physics list
      return pl                          ## We need to return the physics list instance

Create the Application

We put all together in the G4JLApplication structure. We define the detector, the primary generator, the number of threads, the physics list, the end event action and the sensitive detectors.

app = G4JLApplication(;detector = B2aDetector(nChambers=5),          ## detector with parameters
                       generator = particlegun,                      ## primary particle generator
                       nthreads = 0,                                 ## # of threads (0 = no MT)
                       physics_type = B2PhysicsList,                 ## what physics list to instantiate
                       endeventaction_method = endeventaction,       ## end event action
                       sdetectors = ["Chamber_LV+" => chamber_SD]    ## mapping of LVs to SDs (+ means multiple LVs with same name)
Geant4.G4JLApplication{Main.var"##230".B2aDetector, Geant4.G4JLNoData}(Geant4.G4RunManagerAllocated(Ptr{Nothing} @0x00000000025cd730), Main.var"##230".B2aDetector(5, true, 800.0, 200.0, 50.0, 2940.0), [Geant4.G4JLNoData()], Geant4.G4JLGunGenerator("ParticleGun", Geant4.G4JLParticleGunData(nothing, "proton", G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0,1.0), G4ThreeVector(0.0,0.0,-2940.0), 3000.0), Geant4.var"#init#19"(), Geant4.var"#gen#20"(), Geant4.G4JLGeneratorAction[]), nothing, nothing, 0, 0, Geant4.G4RunManager, Geant4.G4JLDetectorConstruction, Main.var"##230".B2PhysicsList, Geant4.G4JLRunAction, Geant4.G4JLEventAction, Geant4.G4JLTrackingAction, Geant4.G4JLSteppingAction, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, Main.var"##230".endeventaction, nothing, nothing, Dict{String, Geant4.G4JLProtoSD}("Chamber_LV+" => Geant4.G4JLProtoSD{Main.var"##230".B2aSDData}("Chamber_SD", Main.var"##230".B2aSDData(Main.var"##230".TrackerHit[]), Main.var"##230"._processHits, Main.var"##230"._initialize, Main.var"##230"._endOfEvent)), Dict{String, Vector{Geant4.G4JLSensitiveDetector}}(), Geant4.G4JLScoringMesh[], nothing, nothing)

Configure, Initialize and Run

Checking overlaps for volume Target:0 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Tracker:0 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:1 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:2 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:3 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:4 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:5 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 

Run the simulation

# ui`/tracking/verbose 1`
Event: 0 with 130 hits stored in this event
Event: 1 with 1155 hits stored in this event
Event: 2 with 84 hits stored in this event
Event: 3 with 79 hits stored in this event
Event: 4 with 134 hits stored in this event
Event: 5 with 206 hits stored in this event
Event: 6 with 64 hits stored in this event
Event: 7 with 10110 hits stored in this event
Event: 8 with 27 hits stored in this event
Event: 9 with 202 hits stored in this event

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