# Implementation of the B2a::DetectorConstruction class
mutable struct B2aDetector <: G4JLDetector
# main input parameters
const nChambers::Int # number of chambers
const checkOverlaps::Bool # do check overlaps when creating the geometry
const chamberSpacing::Float64 # from chamber center to center!
const chamberWidth::Float64 # width of the chambers
const targetLength::Float64 # full length of Target
# mutable data
# constructor with defaults values for parameters
function B2aDetector(; nChambers::Int=5,
self = new(nChambers, checkOverlaps, chamberSpacing, chamberWidth, targetLength)
# Setup some geometry
self.worldZHalfLength = 1.2 * (2*targetLength + (nChambers+1) * chamberSpacing) /2
return self
function B2aConstruct(det::B2aDetector)::CxxPtr{G4VPhysicalVolume}
(; nChambers, checkOverlaps, chamberSpacing, chamberWidth, targetLength) = det
nist = G4NistManager!Instance()
m_air = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_AIR")
m_target = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_Pb")
m_chamber = FindOrBuildMaterial(nist, "G4_Xe")
#---Derived parameters-------------------------------------------------------------------------
trackerLength = (nChambers+1) * chamberSpacing
worldLength = 1.2 * (2*targetLength + trackerLength)
targetRadius = targetLength/2 # Radius of Target
targetLength = targetLength/2 # Half length of the Target
trackerSize = trackerLength/2 # Half length of the Tracker
det.worldZHalfLength = worldLength/2
worldS = G4Box("world", det.worldZHalfLength, det.worldZHalfLength, det.worldZHalfLength)
worldLV = G4LogicalVolume(worldS, m_air, "World")
worldPV = G4PVPlacement(nothing,
G4ThreeVector(), # at (0,0,0)
worldLV, # its logical volume
"World", # its name
nothing, # its mother volume
false, # no boolean operations
0, # copy number
checkOverlaps) # checking overlaps
positionTarget = G4ThreeVector(0,0,-(targetLength+trackerSize))
targetS = G4Tubs("target", 0, targetRadius, targetLength, 0, 360deg)
targetLV = G4LogicalVolume(targetS, m_target, "Target")
G4PVPlacement(nothing, # no rotation
positionTarget, # at (x,y,z)
targetLV, # its logical volume
"Target", # its name
worldLV, # its mother volume
false, # no boolean operations
0, # copy number
checkOverlaps) # checking overlaps
positionTracker = G4ThreeVector(0,0,0)
trackerS = G4Tubs("tracker", 0, trackerSize, trackerSize, 0, 360deg)
trackerLV = G4LogicalVolume(trackerS, m_air, "Tracker")
G4PVPlacement(nothing, # no rotation
positionTracker, # at (x,y,z)
trackerLV, # its logical volume
"Tracker", # its name
worldLV, # its mother volume
false, # no boolean operations
0, # copy number
checkOverlaps) # checking overlaps
# Visualization attributes
boxVisAtt = G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1))
targetVisAtt = G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
chamberVisAtt = G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
SetVisAttributes(worldLV, boxVisAtt)
SetVisAttributes(targetLV, targetVisAtt)
SetVisAttributes(trackerLV, boxVisAtt)
# Tracker segments
firstPosition = -trackerSize + chamberSpacing
firstLength = trackerLength/10
lastLength = trackerLength
halfWidth = chamberWidth/2
rmaxFirst = firstLength/2
rmaxIncr = 0.
if nChambers > 0
rmaxIncr = 0.5 * (lastLength-firstLength)/(nChambers-1)
if chamberSpacing < chamberWidth
"InvalidSetup", FatalException,
fLogicChamber = Vector{G4LogicalVolume}()
for copyNo in 1:nChambers
Zposition = firstPosition + (copyNo-1) * chamberSpacing
rmax = rmaxFirst + (copyNo -1) * rmaxIncr
chamberS = G4Tubs("Chamber_solid", 0, rmax, halfWidth, 0, 360deg)
push!(fLogicChamber, G4LogicalVolume(chamberS, m_chamber, "Chamber_LV"))
SetVisAttributes(fLogicChamber[copyNo], chamberVisAtt)
G4PVPlacement(nothing, # no rotation
G4ThreeVector(0, 0, Zposition), # at (x,y,z)
fLogicChamber[copyNo], # its logical volume
"Chamber_PV", # its name
trackerLV, # its mother volume
false, # no boolean operations
copyNo, # copy number
checkOverlaps) # checking overlaps
# Example of User Limits
# Below is an example of how to set tracking constraints in a given
# logical volume
# Sets a max step length in the tracker region, with G4StepLimiter
maxStep = chamberWidth/2
fStepLimit = G4UserLimits(maxStep)
SetUserLimits(trackerLV, fStepLimit)
# Always return the physical world-------------------------------------------------------------
return worldPV
Geant4.getConstructor(::B2aDetector)::Function = B2aConstruct