Basic/B2a Event Display Example

In this example is based on the Geant4 basic/B2 example of the Geant4 distribution. It is a simple example that shows how to interact with the Geant4 classes.

Note that

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Table of contents

Loading the necessary Julia modules

Load the Geant4 and Geant4.SystemOfUnits modules. In order to trigger the load of the G4Vis extension we need to load the following modules: GLMakie, Rotations, LinearAlgebra, IGLWrap_jll

using Geant4
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits
using CairoMakie, Rotations, LinearAlgebra, IGLWrap_jll  # to force loading G4Vis extension
import DisplayAs: PNG

Define Detector Parameters structure

The B2aDetector structure is defined with the default detector parameters. We include the B2aDetector.jl file not to clutter the example.

include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "B2aDetector.jl"))

Particle Gun initialization

particlegun = G4JLGunGenerator(particle = "proton",
                               energy = 3GeV,
                               direction = G4ThreeVector(0,0,1),
                               position = G4ThreeVector(0,0,-2940.0));

Event Display

To setup the event display we need to create an instance of the G4JLEventDisplay type. The file B2aVisSettings.jl contains the settings for the visualization.

evtdisplay = G4JLEventDisplay(joinpath(@__DIR__, "B2aVisSettings.jl"));

Create the application

app = G4JLApplication(;detector = B2aDetector(nChambers=5),          ## detector with parameters
                       generator = particlegun,                      ## primary particle generator
                       physics_type = FTFP_BERT,                     ## what physics list to instantiate
                       evtdisplay =  evtdisplay,                     ## detector and event visualization
# wait_for_key(prompt) = (print(stdout, prompt); read(stdin, 1); nothing)

 Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02-patch-01 [MT]   (16-February-2024)
                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
                                 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
                             WWW :

Configure, Initialize and Run

Checking overlaps for volume Target:0 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Tracker:0 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:1 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:2 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:3 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:4 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Chamber_PV:5 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 

Display the detector geometry at this point

beamOn(app,0)  ## Needed to really initialize

Display the detector geometry with the first event


Display the detector geometry with the second event


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