Basic/B3a Example

This example simulates schematically a Positron Emitted Tomography system. It is equivalent to the B3a example in Geant4 but re-written with a new more Julia friendly interface. See README file for the example.

Note that

You can also download this example as a Jupyter notebook and a plain Julia source file.

Table of contents

Loading the necessary Julia modules

Load the Geant4 and Geant4.SystemOfUnits modules.

using Geant4
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits:  cm, cm3, mm, pGy, eplus, keV, g, eV

Define Detector Parameters struct

The B3Detector structure is defined with the default detector parameters. We include the B3Detector.jl file not to clutter the example.

include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "B3Detector.jl"))

Defile Physics List

The B3aPhysics structure is defined with the default physics list for the B3a example. It is composed of the default physics, the electromagnetic physics and the radioactive decay physics. The RegisterPhysics function is used to register the physics processes in the physics list. The move! function is used to move the ownership of the physics list to the G4VUserPhysicsList type. It returns a pointer to the physics list.

struct B3aPhysics <: G4VUserPhysicsList
    function B3aPhysics(verbose)
        pl = G4VModularPhysicsList()
        RegisterPhysics(pl, move!(G4DecayPhysics(verbose)))            ## Default physics
        RegisterPhysics(pl, move!(G4EmStandardPhysics(verbose)))       ## EM physics
        RegisterPhysics(pl, move!(G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics(verbose))) ## Radioactive decay
        return pl

Define Primary Particle Generator

This is the primary particle generator for the B3a example. It generates a ion beam of 0 energy from a random position inside a cube shaped volume. The user parameter type B3aGeneratorData is defined with the default generator parameters. The functions _gen and _init are defined to generate the primary particles and to initialize the generator, respectively. Finally, the B3aGenerator function is defined to instantiate an instance of the G4JLPrimaryGenerator type.

@with_kw mutable struct B3aGeneratorData <: G4JLGeneratorData
    gun::Union{Nothing, CxxPtr{G4ParticleGun}} = nothing
    ion::Union{Nothing, CxxPtr{G4ParticleDefinition}} = nothing
    Z::Int64 = 9
    A::Int64 = 18
    ionCharge::Float64 = 0eplus
    excitEnergy::Float64 = 0keV
    position::G4ThreeVector = G4ThreeVector(4cm,4cm,4cm)
    direction::G4ThreeVector = G4ThreeVector(1,0,0)
function B3aGenerator(;kwargs...)
    data = B3aGeneratorData(;kwargs...)
    function _init(data::B3aGeneratorData, ::Any)
        gun = data.gun = move!(G4ParticleGun())
        SetParticleMomentumDirection(gun, G4ThreeVector(1,0,0))
        SetParticleEnergy(gun, 1eV)
    function _gen(evt::G4Event, data::B3aGeneratorData)::Nothing
        if isnothing(data.ion)  # late initialize (after physics processes)
            ion = data.ion = GetIon(data.Z, data.A, data.excitEnergy)
            SetParticleDefinition(data.gun, ion)
            SetParticleCharge(data.gun, data.ionCharge)
        position = data.position + G4ThreeVector((rand()-0.5)*1cm, (rand()-0.5)*1cm, (rand()-0.5)*1cm)
        SetParticlePosition(data.gun, position)
        GeneratePrimaryVertex(data.gun, CxxPtr(evt))
    G4JLPrimaryGenerator("B3aGenerator", data; init_method=_init, generate_method=_gen)

Define Simulation Data

The SimDataB3a structure is defined to collect the simulation data during the execution of a run. The add! function is defined to add (i.e. reduce) the data from one instance to another when running in multi-threading mode. In this case we have only two counters for the number of good events and the sum of the dose of the patient.

mutable struct SimDataB3a <: G4JLSimulationData
    ##---Run data
    SimDataB3a() = new(0,0)
function add!(x::SimDataB3a, y::SimDataB3a)
    x.goodEvents += y.goodEvents
    x.sumDose += y.sumDose
add! (generic function with 1 method)

Define Sensitive Detectors

The B3a example has two sensitive detectors. One is for the crystal and the other for the patient. Each one has an associated data structure. The CrystalData structure is defined to collect the energy deposited in each crystal. The PatientData structure is defined to collect the dose in the patient.

# Crystal sensitive detector
struct CrystalData <: G4JLSDData
    edep::Dict{Int64,Float64} # (CopyNo, Edep)
    CrystalData() = new(Dict{Int64,Float64}())
function c_initialize(::G4HCofThisEvent, data::CrystalData)::Nothing
function c_processHits(step::G4Step, ::G4TouchableHistory, data::CrystalData)::Bool
    edep = step |> GetTotalEnergyDeposit
    edep <  0. && return false
    copy = step |> GetPreStepPoint |> GetTouchable |> GetCopyNumber
    data.edep[copy] = haskey(data.edep, copy) ? data.edep[copy] + edep : edep
    return true
# Create SD instance
crystalSD = G4JLSensitiveDetector("CrystalSD", CrystalData();          ## SD name an associated data are mandatory
                                   processhits_method=c_processHits,   ## process hist method (also mandatory)
                                   initialize_method=c_initialize);    ## initialize method
# Patient Sensitive detector
mutable struct PatientData <: G4JLSDData
    PatientData() = new(0)
function p_initialize(::G4HCofThisEvent, data::PatientData)::Nothing
    data.dose = 0
function p_processHits(step::G4Step, ::G4TouchableHistory, data::PatientData)::Bool
    edep = step |> GetTotalEnergyDeposit
    edep <=  0. && return false
    volume  = step |> GetPreStepPoint |> GetTouchable |> GetSolid |> GetCubicVolume
    density = step |> GetPreStepPoint |> GetMaterial |> GetDensity
    data.dose += edep /(density * volume)
    return true
# Create SD instance
patientSD = G4JLSensitiveDetector("PatientSD", PatientData();           ## SD name an associated data are mandatory
                                   processhits_method=p_processHits,    ## process hist method (also mandatory)
                                   initialize_method=p_initialize);     ## initialize method

User Actions

We define the user actions for the B3a example. The beginrun function is defined to initialize the simulation data. The endrun function is defined to print the results of the simulation. The endevent function is defined to count the number of good events and to accumulate the dose in the patient. The stacking action is defined to kill the neutrinos and to keep the primary particles.

function beginrun(run::G4Run, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    data = getSIMdata(app)
    data.goodEvents = 0
    data.sumDose = 0.
μGy = Geant4.SystemOfUnits.gray/1e6

function endrun(run::G4Run, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    partName = |> GetParticleDefinition |> GetParticleName |> String
    ##---end run action is called for each workwer thread and the master one
    if G4Threading!G4GetThreadId() < 0
        data = app.simdata[1]
        ##---This is the master thread, so we need to add all the simuation results-----------------
        for d in app.simdata[2:end]
            add!(data, d)
        noEvents = run |> GetNumberOfEvent
                     --------------------End of Run------------------------------
                      The run was $noEvents $partName Nb of 'good' e+ annihilations: $(data.goodEvents)
                      Total dose in patient : $(data.sumDose/pGy) pGy

function endevent(evt::G4Event, app::G4JLApplication)
    edep = getSDdata(app, "CrystalSD").edep
    dose = getSDdata(app, "PatientSD").dose
    data = getSIMdata(app)
    if count(>(500keV), values(edep)) == 2
        data.goodEvents += 1
    data.sumDose += dose

let G4NeutrinoE, first=true
global function stacking(trk::G4Track, app::G4JLApplication)::G4ClassificationOfNewTrack
    if first  ## emulation of C++ static variable
        G4NeutrinoE = FindParticle("nu_e")
        first = false
    (trk |> GetParentID) == 0 && return fUrgent               ## keep primary particle
    (trk |> GetDefinition) == G4NeutrinoE && return fKill     ## kill neutrino
    return fUrgent

Create the Application

app = G4JLApplication(; detector = B3Detector(),                      ## detector with parameters
                        simdata = SimDataB3a(),                       ## simulation data structure
                        generator = B3aGenerator(),                   ## primary particle generator
                        nthreads = 0,                                 ## # of threads (0 = no MT)
                        physics_type = B3aPhysics,                    ## what physics list to instantiate
                        #evtdisplay =  display,                       ## set event display
                        endeventaction_method = endevent,             ## end-event action (fill histograms per event)
                        beginrunaction_method = beginrun,             ## begin run action
                        endrunaction_method = endrun,                 ## end run action
                        stackaction_method = stacking,                ## track classification action
                        sdetectors = ["CrystalLV+" => crystalSD,
                                      "PatientLV" => patientSD]       ## mapping of LVs to SDs (+ means multiple LVs with same name)

 Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02-patch-01 [MT]   (16-February-2024)
                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
                                 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
                             WWW :

Configure, Initialize

cryst_mat = CxxWrap.CxxWrapCore.CxxPtr{Geant4.G4Material}(Ptr{Geant4.G4Material} @0x00000000045b3af0)
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:0 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:1 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:2 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:3 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:4 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:5 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:6 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:7 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:8 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:9 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:10 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:11 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:12 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:13 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:14 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:15 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:16 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:17 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:18 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:19 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:20 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:21 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:22 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:23 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:24 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:25 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:26 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:27 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:28 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:29 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:30 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume crystal:31 (G4Box) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:0 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:1 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:2 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:3 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:4 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:5 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:6 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:7 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume ring:8 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Detector:0 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 
Checking overlaps for volume Patient:0 (G4Tubs) ... OK! 

Run the simulation

Lets run for 10,000 events and see the results.

beamOn(app, 10000)

# ui`/tracking/verbose 0`
======          Radioactive Decay Physics Parameters           =======
min MeanLife (from G4NuclideTable)                1 ns 
Max life time (from G4DeexPrecoParameters)        1000 ps 
Internal e- conversion flag                       1
Stored internal conversion coefficients           1
Enabled atomic relaxation mode                    1
Enable correlated gamma emission                  0
Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations       10
Atomic de-excitation enabled                      1
Auger electron emission enabled                   1
Check EM cuts disabled for atomic de-excitation   1
Use Bearden atomic level energies                 0
Use ANSTO fluorescence model                      0
Threshold for very long decay time at rest        1 y  

                  HADRONIC PROCESSES SUMMARY (verbose level 1)
                           Hadronic Processes for GenericIon
  Process: Radioactivation
--------------------End of Run------------------------------
 The run was 10000 F18 Nb of 'good' e+ annihilations: 1300
 Total dose in patient : 307.13057918806595 pGy

Visualize the detector geometry

Load the needed modules for visualization

using CairoMakie, Rotations, LinearAlgebra, IGLWrap_jll  ## to force loading G4Vis extension
import DisplayAs: PNG

Display the detector geometry

world = GetVolume("World")
img = draw(world[])

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