Extended/GPS Example

This example is to test the General Particle Source (GPS) in Geant4.jl. The GPS is a flexible and powerful tool to generate primary particles in Geant4. See the G4GeneralParticleSource documentation for the definition of parameters.

Note that

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Table of contents

Loading the necessary Julia modules

Load the Geant4, Geant4.PhysicalConstants and Geant4.SystemOfUnits modules. In addition we will use the Parameters module to handle the parameters of the detector. We will also use the FHist and Plots modules to handle the histograms and plots.

using Geant4
using Geant4.PhysicalConstants
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits
using Geant4.SystemOfUnits: deg
using Parameters
using FHist
using Plots
import DisplayAs: PNG

Define the Detector

The GPS detector is a simple box filled with air. The detector is defined by the GPSDetector structure. We include the GPSDetector.jl file not to clutter the example.

include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "GPSDetector.jl"))

Define the Simulation Data

The simulation data structure GPSSimData consists of several histograms to store the simulation results.

const nbins = 50
@with_kw mutable struct GPSSimData <: G4JLSimulationData
    hKEne     = H1D("Energy Spectrum", nbins, 0., 15., :MeV)
    hRad      = H1D("Radial ditribution", nbins, 0., 10., :cm)
    hAngcosθ  = H1D("Angular ditribution cosθ", nbins, -1., 1.)
    hAngϕ     = H1D("Angular distribution ϕ", nbins, 0.,360., :deg)
    hXYpos    = H2D("Source X-Y distribution", nbins, -10., 10., nbins, -10., 10., (:cm, :cm))
    hZXpos    = H2D("Source Z-X distribution", nbins, -10., 10., nbins, -10., 10., (:cm, :cm))
    hYZpos    = H2D("Source Y-Z distribution", nbins, -10., 10., nbins, -10., 10., (:cm, :cm))
    hcosθϕ    = H2D("Angular cos(θ)-ϕ distribution", nbins, -1., 1., nbins, 0., 360., (:nounit, :deg))
    hθϕ       = H2D("Angular θ-ϕ distribution", nbins, 0., 180., nbins, 0., 360., (:deg, :deg))

We define the function merge! and empty! functions to reduce the simulation results

function Base.merge!(x::D, y::D) where D <: G4JLSimulationData
    for f in fieldnames(D)
        merge!(getfield(x,f), getfield(y,f))
function Base.empty!(x::D) where D <: G4JLSimulationData
    for f in fieldnames(D)

The function do_plot is defined to plot the histograms of the simulation data.

function do_plot(data::GPSSimData)
    img = Plots.plot(layout=(3,3), show=true, size=(1400,1000))
    for (i,fn) in enumerate(fieldnames(GPSSimData))
        h = getfield(data, fn)
        Plots.plot!(subplot=i, h.hist, title=h.title, show=true, cgrad=:plasma)
    return img
do_plot (generic function with 1 method)

Define the Simulation Actions

The simulation actions are defined by the beginrun, endrun and pretrackaction functions.

function beginrun(::G4Run, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    data = getSIMdata(app)
function endrun(::G4Run, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    # end run action is called for each workwer thread and the master one
    if G4Threading!G4GetThreadId() < 0
        data = app.simdata[1]
        # this is the master thread, so we need to add all the simulation results
        for d in app.simdata[2:end]
            merge!(data, d)
function pretrackaction(track::G4Track, app::G4JLApplication)::Nothing
    data = getSIMdata(app)
    ekin = track |> GetKineticEnergy
    vertex = track |> GetPosition
    direction = track |> GetMomentumDirection
    weight = track |> GetWeight

    x = vertex |> getX
    y = vertex |> getY
    z = vertex |> getZ
    θ = direction |> getTheta
    ϕ = direction |> getPhi
    ϕ < 0 &&  (ϕ += 2π)
    r = vertex |> mag
    dr = binedges(data.hRad.hist).uniform_edges.step |> Float64
    dv = 4π * r^2 * dr

    # fill histograms
    push!(data.hKEne, ekin)
    push!(data.hRad, r, 1.0/dv)
    push!(data.hAngcosθ, cos(θ))
    push!(data.hAngϕ, ϕ)
    push!(data.hXYpos, x, y)
    push!(data.hZXpos, z, x)
    push!(data.hYZpos, y, z)
    push!(data.hcosθϕ, cos(θ), ϕ)
    push!(data.hθϕ, θ, ϕ)

GPS initialization

We define the GPS parameters and create the primary particle generator. This is equivalent to the particle gun in the previous examples.

gps = G4JLGeneralParticleSource(particle = "geantino",
                                energy = 10MeV,
                                direction = G4ThreeVector(1,0,0),
                                position = G4ThreeVector(1,2,1));

Create the Application

app = G4JLApplication(detector = GPSDetector(),                   ## detector with parameters
                      simdata = GPSSimData(),                     ## simulation data structure
                      generator = gps,                            ## primary particle generator
                      nthreads = VERSION > v"1.9" ? 4 : 0,        ## number of threads (MT)
                      physics_type = FTFP_BERT,                   ## what physics list to instantiate
                      pretrackaction_method = pretrackaction,     ## pre-tracking action
                      beginrunaction_method = beginrun,           ## begin-run action (initialize counters and histograms)
                      endrunaction_method = endrun,               ## end-run action (print summary)

 Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02-patch-01 [MT]   (16-February-2024)
  << in Multi-threaded mode >> 
                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                      References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
                                 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
                             WWW : http://geant4.org/

Configure and Initialize


Run the simulation

We run the simulation with 100000 particles and plot the results.

img = do_plot(app.simdata[1])

Let's change the GPS parameters and run the simulation again.

ui`/gps/particle geantino`
ui`/gps/pos/type Plane`
ui`/gps/pos/shape Square`
ui`/gps/pos/centre 1 2 1 cm`
ui`/gps/pos/halfx 2 cm`
ui`/gps/pos/halfy 2 cm`
ui`/gps/ang/type cos`
ui`/gps/ene/type Lin`
ui`/gps/ene/min 2 MeV`
ui`/gps/ene/max 10 MeV`
ui`/gps/ene/gradient 1`
ui`/gps/ene/intercept 1`

img = do_plot(app.simdata[1])

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