Calling G4 actions in Julia
This is a very simple example of calling user actions in Julia from a C++ Geant4 application. We define the user actions in Julia language in the file MyCode.jl
and call them from the C++ application. The name and signatures of the functions are important since the C++ will associate them in the corresponding inherited classes.
The C++ code is a single file G4example.cpp
that defines the Geant4 the minimal set of classes to run a simulation.
- The main program is responsible of initializing Julia by calling
and loading the Julia code executing.jl_init() jl_eval_string("include(\"MyCode.jl\")");
- Each constructor of a user action class needs to initialize a C++ function pointer to the corresponding Julia function. This is done in the constructor to avoid any dynamic dispatch at runtime. For example, for the
class:typedef void (*eventaction_f)(const G4Event*); class EventAction : public G4UserEventAction { public: EventAction() { beginevent_jl = (eventaction_f)(jl_unbox_voidpointer(jl_eval_string("@cfunction(begin_of_event_action, Nothing, (CxxPtr{G4Event},))"))); endevent_jl = (eventaction_f)(jl_unbox_voidpointer(jl_eval_string("@cfunction(end_of_event_action, Nothing, (CxxPtr{G4Event},))"))); } ... private: eventaction_f beginevent_jl; eventaction_f endevent_jl; };
- Finally the actions are called in the corresponding Geant4 classes. For example in the
class:void EventAction::BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event* event) { beginevent_jl(event); } ...
You can also download this example as a Jupyter notebook and a plain Julia source file.
The C++ code is available as a source file and the Julia code is available as a source file.
Table of contents
- Loading the necessary Julia modules
- Building G4Example Application
- Run the application
- Display the results
Loading the necessary Julia modules
using Geant4_jll # Needed to locate the Geant4 installation directory
Building G4Example Application
The custom library is defined in the C++ file G4example.cpp
. It is a single file to facilitate the building of the executable.
The attribute Geant4_jll.artifact_dir
provides the path to the Geant4 installation directory. Sources are in the same location as this script.
g4prefix = Geant4_jll.artifact_dir
jlprefix = dirname(Sys.BINDIR);
We use the executables geant4-config
and julia-config.jl
to get the needed libraries and compiler/linker flags.
g4libs = read(`$g4prefix/bin/geant4-config --libs`, String) |> split
filter!(x -> x != "-lG4gdml", g4libs)
jllibs = read(`$jlprefix/share/julia/julia-config.jl --ldlibs`, String) |> split
append!(jllibs, ["-L$jlprefix/lib"])
cflags = read(`$g4prefix/bin/geant4-config --cflags`, String) |> split
ldflags = ["-Wl,-rpath,$g4prefix/lib", "-Wl,-rpath,$jlprefix/lib"];
Sys.KERNEL == :Linux && append!(ldflags, ["-Wl,--no-as-needed"]);
Run the compilation and link command`c++ -O2 -fPIC $cflags -I$jlprefix/include/julia $ldflags $g4libs $jllibs
-o G4example.exe $(@__DIR__)/G4example.cpp`).exitcode == 0 || error("Compilation failed");
Run the application
We need to set the variable JULIA_PROJECT
pointing to correctly setup Julia environment.
withenv("JULIA_PROJECT" => "@.", "G4NUMTHREADS" => "4") do`./G4example.exe`).exitcode == 0 || error("Execution failed")
Display the results
println("=====> The file edepHist.png should have been saved")
=====> The file edepHist.png should have been saved
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