Jet Reconstruction
This package implements sequential Jet Reconstruction (clustering) algorithms, which are used in high-energy physics as part of event reconstruction for $pp$ and $e^+e^-$ colliders.
Algorithms used are based on the C++ FastJet package (, hep-ph/0512210, arXiv:1111.6097), reimplemented natively in Julia.
The algorithms include anti-${k}_\text{T}$, Cambridge/Aachen, inclusive $k_\text{T}$, generalised $k_\text{T}$ for $pp$ events; and the Durham algorithm and generalised $k_\text{T}$ for $e^+e^-$.
Reconstruction Interface
The main interface for reconstruction is jet_reconstruct
, called as, e.g.,
jet_reconstruct(particles; algorithm = JetAlgorithm.AntiKt, R = 1.0)
or with some of the optional arguments,
jet_reconstruct(particles; algorithm = JetAlgorithm.GenKt, R = 0.4,
p = 0.5, recombine = +, strategy = RecoStrategy.Best)
Where particles
is a collection of 4-vector objects (see Input Particle Types) to reconstruct and the algorithm is either given explicitly or implied by the power value.
For the case of generalised $k_T$ (for $pp$ and $e^+e^-$) both the algorithm (GenKt
, EEKt
) and p
are needed.
The R
value determines the cone size; in the case of the Durham algorithm the R
value is ignored.
The object returned is a ClusterSequence
, which internally tracks all merge steps and is used for Inclusive and Exclusive Selections.
Algorithm Types
Each known algorithm is referenced using a JetAlgorithm
scoped enum value.
Algorithm | Type name | Notes |
anti-${k}_\text{T}$ | JetAlgorithm.AntiKt | Implies p=-1 |
Cambridge/Aachen | JetAlgorithm.CA | Implies p=0 |
inclusive $k_\text{T}$ | JetAlgorithm.Kt | Implies p=1 |
generalised $k_\text{T}$ | JetAlgorithm.GenKt | For $pp$, value of p must also be specified |
$e^+e-$ $k_\text{T}$ / Durham | JetAlgorithm.Durham | R value ignored and can be omitted |
generalised $e^+e-$ $k_\text{T}$ | JetAlgorithm.EEKt | For $e^+e^-$, value of p must also be specified |
$pp$ Algorithms
For the three $pp$ algorithms with fixed p
values, the p
value can be given instead of the algorithm name. However, this should be considered deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Generally one does not need to manually specify a strategy, but Algorithm Strategy describes how to do this, if desired.
Inclusive and Exclusive Selections
To obtain final jets both inclusive ($p_T$ cut) and exclusive ($n_{jets}$ or $d_{ij}$ cut) selections are supported:
inclusive_jets(clusterseq::ClusterSequence, ptmin = 0.0)
exclusive_jets(clusterseq::ClusterSequence; dcut = nothing, njets = nothing)
(For exclusive_jets
either dcut
or njets
is needed, but not both.)
Sorting vectors is trivial in Julia, no special sorting methods are provided. As an example, to sort exclusive jets of $>5.0$ (usually GeV, depending on your EDM) from highest energy to lowest:
sorted_jets = sort!(inclusive_jets(cs::ClusterSequence; ptmin=5.0),, rev=true)
Jet Constituents and Jet Parents
There are two ways to retrieve jet constituents. The first way is just to retrieve the indexes of the constituent jets. These indexes refer to the original collection of particles passed in to the reconstruction.
The alternative it to retrieve the actual jets from the reconstruction sequence. In this case the returned array contains references to the jet objects (of type T
) used internally in the reconstruction.
Note that in both these cases the cluster sequence object from the reconstruction is required (to avoid circular dependencies and improve memory management reconstructed jets do not contain a link back to their cluster sequence).
To retrieve a jet's parents:
This will return a tuple of the target jet's parents, or nothing
when one or both parents are missing (the only case when a jet has one parent is when it undergoes a beam merge step).
Although it has been developed further since the CHEP2023 conference, the CHEP conference proceedings, 10.1051/epjconf/202429505017, should be cited if you use this package:
author = {{Stewart, Graeme Andrew} and {Gras, Philippe} and {Hegner, Benedikt} and {Krasnopolski, Atell}},
doi = {10.1051/epjconf/202429505017},
journal = {EPJ Web of Conf.},
pages = {05017},
title = {Polyglot Jet Finding},
url = {},
volume = 295,
year = 2024,
The original paper on arXiv is:
title={Polyglot Jet Finding},
author={Graeme Andrew Stewart and Philippe Gras and Benedikt Hegner and Atell Krasnopolski},
Authors and Copyright
Code in this package is authored by:
- Atell Krasnopolski <>
- Graeme A Stewart <>
- Philippe Gras <>
and is Copyright 2022-2024 The Authors, CERN.
The code is under the MIT License.