Functions and Control Flow#

Here are the key constructs for defining functions and using control flow in Julia:


Functions are defined in a very straightforward way using the function ... end syntax:

function mymult(a, b)
    a * b
mymult (generic function with 1 method)
mymult(3, 7)
mymult(6+3im, -9-7im)
-33 - 69im
mymult("gold", "leader")

Notice our function is working for any types (we used Int64, Complex and String) - this stays fast in Julia because of multiple dispatch that we discuss later.

Function Documentation#

A string directly before a function definition is interpreted by Julia as “documentation” for the function. The ? operator will display the doc strings for a function, amongst other things (? also provides help for expressions and other constructs). All of the Julia standard library functions have docstrings.

    adder(a, b)
    This function adds `a` and `b`
function adder(a, b)
search: adder addenv rad2deg
adder(a, b)
This function adds `a` and `b`

Compact Function Definition#

If we can write a function on one line then Julia allows us to not bother with function ... end:

mypow(a, b) = a^b
mypow (generic function with 1 method)
mypow(2, 8)
mypow("old ", 4)
"old old old old "

Anonymous Functions (lambdas)#

Anonymous functions in Julia are written using ->, like this:

x -> x>2
#3 (generic function with 1 method)

Which is not too useful like that, but comes into its own when used with something like map:

map(x -> x>2, 1:5)
5-element Vector{Bool}:

if then else#

Conditional execution is very easily achieved with an if block in Julia:

function gtlteq(a, b)
    if a > b
        println("$a is greater than $b")
    elseif a < b
        println("$a is less than $b")
    elseif a == b
        println("$a is equal to $b")
        println("I have no idea about $a and $b!")
gtlteq (generic function with 1 method)
gtlteq(2.3, -9)
2.3 is greater than -9
gtlteq("apples", "oranges")
apples is less than oranges

Short Circuit and Ternary Operators#

Short Circuit#

The operators && and || can be used for conditional execution.

  • a && b - evaluate b only if a (i.e., a is true)

  • a || b - evaluate b only if !a (i.e., a is false)

true && "it's true"
"it's true"
false || "it's false"
"it's false"
false && "it's true"


A special type of “quick” conditional is the ternary operator, familiar from C:

2 > 4 ? "it's bigger" : "it's smaller"
"it's smaller"

The syntax is a ? b : c meaning if a, evaluate b, else evaluate c.


For loops#

For loops are always over an iterator in Julia, allowing a loop over any object that has a beginning and an end:

for number in 1:4
    println("I am at number $number")
I am at number 1
I am at number 2
I am at number 3
I am at number 4

enumerate and zip also exist:

for (index, string) in enumerate(["I", "think", "therefore", "I", "am"])
    println("Word $index is $string")
Word 1 is I
Word 2 is think
Word 3 is therefore
Word 4 is I
Word 5 is am
for (hip, hop, hup)  zip(1:3, 10:12, ["yes", "no", "maybe"])
    println("The $hip and $hop say $hup")
The 1 and 10 say yes
The 2 and 11 say no
The 3 and 12 say maybe

Note that Julia is happy with for z in ... and for z ... (type \in to get a ; note that = can be used, so you might see this, but it is frowned upon!)

A more novel feature: for will also naturally form the outer product of a comma-separated set of iterators provided to them, without the need for “nesting” of loops. (This also applies to the for in comprehensions, so you can easily make multi-dimensional arrays with a chain of iterators if you want all the combinations that result as elements.)

for i in 1:3, j in 1:4  #like for i=1:3 ; for j=1:4 ...
    println("The product of $i and $j is $(i*j)")
The product of 1 and 1 is 1
The product of 1 and 2 is 2
The product of 1 and 3 is 3
The product of 1 and 4 is 4
The product of 2 and 1 is 2
The product of 2 and 2 is 4
The product of 2 and 3 is 6
The product of 2 and 4 is 8
The product of 3 and 1 is 3
The product of 3 and 2 is 6
The product of 3 and 3 is 9
The product of 3 and 4 is 12

while loops#

By now it is going to be no surprise to you how Julia constructs a while loop:

countdown = 10
while countdown > 0
    println(countdown, "...")
    countdown -= 1
println("blast off!")
blast off!